The texture of rice is vital to how the consumer perceives the quality of the product.
The Mecmesin Rice Texture Analyzer is a benchtop software-controlled system to evaluate the physical sensory properties of rice and other foods.
Fitted with a Kramer compression-shear fixture, the system replicates the natural bite and chewing action and the results correlate to the established texture profile attributes that align with mouthfeel, influencing perceived quality.
VectorPro software controls the Texture Analyzer to apply the forces on the test sample, acquires the data and automatically calculates the results which correlate to the correct physical organoleptic sensory qualities. Peak forces, average forces, work can all be calculated from the graphical results to indicate the essential texture quality attributes of the food. Terms such as hardness, stickiness, adhesiveness can be measured and compared to the ideal values, compared to other batches of supplied rice to optimise the cook profile of the product.

The texture of rice is vital to how the consumer perceives the quality of the product.
The Mecmesin Rice Texture Analyzer is a benchtop software-controlled system to evaluate the physical sensory properties of rice and other foods.
Fitted with a Kramer compression-shear fixture, the system replicates the natural bite and chewing action and the results correlate to the established texture profile attributes that correlate to mouthfeel, influencing perceived quality.