Texture Analysis SolutionsClam Firmness
- Objective comparative measurement of physical mouthfeel properties sensed in biting as a result of formulation parameters
- Repeatable test method on a batch samples of clams using a software-controlled texture analyzer
- Industry-standard Kramer fixture to compress and shear as an indicator of overall tenderness
- Quantified hardness texture correlated to the ideal softness and tenderness of the product pre-canning
Two samples of chopped, processed, and canned sea clams were submitted for texture evaluation.
Sea clams are naturally tough right out of the ocean, therefore, companies must treat them to soften them up to sell to consumers. They need to be able to measure the softness of the clams after treatment. They also need this way to be repeatable, consistent and quantifiable.
Testing was performed with a TMS-Pro Texture Analyzer, a 2500 N load cell and a CS-1 Kramer Shear Cell. The program was written to start at zero, run down at 300 mm/min into the product and completely through the bottom of the test cell (90 mm) then return to zero. The samples were drained and weighed into 40 gram portions (about 5-6 clams). No sorting of the individual pieces was done and the portions were randomly extracted from the drained product.
Using the TMS-Pro texture analyzer and the compression/shearing test method of a bulk product sample proves to be a good indicator of the softness of the clams and detects a different between products after treatment. This test could be used either as a benchmark for the “ideal” texture of the chopped clams or can be used to detect differences between different batches before they are canned.